Redwater Band Boosters - BOO! Gram Sales

Redwater Band Boosters - BOO! Gram Sales
10/17/2022 10/28/2022

Halloween BOO! Grams
Trick or Treat! Give Someone a BOO Gram for Halloween!

The Redwater Band Boosters is hosting our annual Halloween BOO Gram Fundraiser! Please fill out the boxes on the attached document to send out your BOO Grams, with a sweet candy treat, to your kids and their friends. There are no limits to how many you
can send! Each BOO Gram you send is $2. Please attach money in an envelope (stapled) to this sheet and turn in to the their campus office no later than Friday, October 28th. Delivery will be on Halloween, Monday October 31st. All Elementary and Middle School students will include homeroom teacher for delivery, Junior High students will include 8th period teacher, and High School students will include 2nd period teacher.

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