Purchasing Procedures
Technology Purchases
The District has standardized certain equipment and materials to maintain the integrity of the District's network operations and instructional processes. Therefore, all installation and purchases of software and technology equipment including computers and any device that connects to a computer or the network, must be approved by the Redwater ISD Technology Department. All requests are reviewed by the Technology Department and may be accepted or declined based on the associated technical requirements, support requirements, and/or consistency with the district goals.
A copy of the software and its license must be provided to the Technology Department prior to any installation of software. The software will only be installed on the number of computers for which the district owns a license. The technology staff should be consulted prior to purchasing any software to ensure compatibility with our network and computers. The Technology Department will uninstall without notice any software for which the district does not have a software license.
The Technology Department will be happy to provide assistance in product selection and pricing information. We will work with you to identify the best option(s) to meet your needs. If you need a quote, please contact John Ryther.