Redwater High School Students Earn ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certification

Redwater, TX – Through a partnership with the Texarkana USA Chamber of Commerce, Redwater High School has 22 students who have earned the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) during the 2022-23 school year.


The ACT NCRC is a portable, evidence-based credential that certifies the essential skills for workplace success. Employers look for it with job candidates, whether they come directly from high school, work-based learning programs, or through postsecondary paths, because it is a valid predictor of job performance. The NCRC is the foundation of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) stackable credential program. It is also a key component of credentialing programs in other industries, such as energy, construction, and information technology. Students on various career paths earn the ACT NCRC on their way to earning industry credentials and certifications.


“For the Texarkana area, there are over 100 businesses and organizations recognizing or recommending the ACT WorkKeys NCRC,” said Camille Powell, Program Manager for Workforce Development with the Texarkana USA Chamber of Commerce.  “The connection between local businesses, the education system and the Chamber of Commerce creates a talent pipeline for the region,” continued Powell.  “It also gives certified students a step up within the interview/application process.


The ACT NCRC is awarded at four levels - platinum, gold, silver, and bronze. It measures and certifies broadly relevant foundational work skills and is recognized and recommended by thousands of employers as well as for college credit by the American Council on Education (ACE). The ACT NCRC serves as the basis of state- and county-level workforce and economic development initiatives.


Redwater High School’s partnership with the Texarkana USA Chamber of Commerce allows them access to the ACT WorkKeys curriculum which prepares students for assessments in three areas to measure work readiness.  Those assessments are:  Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.


RHS students earning the NCRC distinction are:

Platinum Level:  Joshua Newsome, Journey Sprague, Anna Ward;

Gold Level:  Alexis Daniel, Christopher Giambrone, Abigail Morrow, Allisyn Smith, Makayla Young;

Silver Level:  Gracie Aldridge, Hannah Boddye, Alisha Burgess, Casey Graves, Levi Johnson, John Owens, Bailey Paludan Hagan, Reese Riebesell, Alaina Smith, Mia Strand, Bailey Taylor, Zoe White, Noah Whitman;

Bronze Level:  Abagail Harmon.

